Monday, March 1, 2010

First day of week 2

It was so nice to have Sunday completely off! All I did was laundry. All day the newbies were arriving. I am so glad that wasnt me! We had dinner and then went back to our rooms and went to sleep. Today was the day for the dreaded stop sign hike! Just the thought of it makes everyone around here anxious! I FINALLY made it to the top! I was so excited! That last 1.5 miles of uphill were KILLER! When I got to the top...all the people that had made it already, were up there cheering me on! My roommate came over and gave me a big hug. I was so moved and emotional that I started crying! You truly are a family here. I have made some life long friends. After the hike I had stretch class. That is the best class to have after the hike! Then open gym, step and pump, pool and then circuit!! During open gym I worked on my arms and shoulders. For breakfast I had ceral and fruit, for lunch we had tilapia tacos and like a squash soup and dinner was chicken with wasabi mashed potatos....oh...dessert was pineapple sorbet. It was all very yummy! Jim and Maddie are planning to visit me this weekend! That really gives me something to look forward to. I really appreciate all the support from everyone! I truly feel the love from everyone! I have heard from people that I havent heard from in a long time! I love it. I have pics, but will have them posted later...probably when Jim gets here. Thanks for reading my blog! Remember to Dominate the Day!


  1. Lori, Awesome! You made it to the top of the stop sign hike. You should feel very proud of this accomplishment. You have taken a giant leap out of your comfort zone and each time you take that extra little leap during your training you will be rewarded. Take care and can't wait to hear of your adventures when you return home. Take care, Rick

  2. Lori, I am so very proud of you! Your commitment is so motivational! You probably never thought you could do it, and look at you, YOU'RE DOING IT! Keep up the good work, you are such a motivation, I think I will go take the dog for a run :~)
